Posted by Admin on May 27, 2018 at 1:31 PM under
Dive for May 28 is a no go.
We were holding out hope, but the winds pick up tomorrow rather than abate by the looks of it. It has been postponed. We will notify everyone of the reschedule date when we have it confirmed.
Posted by Admin on May 19, 2018 at 2:03 PM under
Diving Emergency Management Provider (DEMP) Course
Dive accidents are rare, but they may require prompt, specific action. No single set of skills will meet all the various demands a dive accident may present. The Diving Emergency Management Provider (DEMP) program combines skills from four first-aid courses offered by your instructor to streamline and put into context the care that may be necessary.
This course is FREE for volunteers that have logged a minimum of 32 volunteer hours with Aquanauts Adaptive Aquatics within the last year. Otherwise, there is a purchase option at the ticket linket.
You will complete your academic portion online (invitation will be received upon purchase), and then your practical portion will begin on this date at the location below.
Class Date/Time:
June 01, 2018 6:00pm
Classroom Location:
Pompano Dive Center
Sands Harbor Marina
101 N Riverside Drive #111
Pompano Beach, FL 33062
Again, complete your academics prior to arrival for practical portion.
IMPORTANT: To qualify for the sponsored ticket, you must be a volunteer with Aquanauts Adaptive Aquatics AND have logged a minimum of 32 volunteer hours within the last year. If you are unsure of your volunteer hours logged, please contact us at info@adaptivescubaprograms.org to verify.
Posted by Admin on May 14, 2018 at 10:52 AM under
The Maritime Heritage Trail Survey Dive (sponsored by National Parks Conservation Association-NPCA) is coming up on May 28, 2018. If you are on the roster, you have received a confirmation email with departure time, location, etc. If not, you have either not informed us that you are coming and/or you have not completed a volunteer registration.
Space on the boat is filling up fast. If you would like to participate, please make sure you complete the necessary steps.
1) Advise us of your intent to participate. (You can email info@adaptivescubaprograms.org)
2) Complete a volunteer registration. (Registration form is at this link: http://www.adaptivescubaprograms.org/VolunteerRegistration)
Don't get left behind!
Posted by Admin on May 8, 2018 at 4:54 PM under
If you are interested in becoming a fully qualified dive volunteer...
Next Buddy Disability Training is coming up on June 15-17, 2018.
There are limited scholarships for this activity. Please complete your scholarship application on our website if you are interested in a scholarship for this training. Event Page on Facebook.
If a scholarship is not immediately available, please keep in mind that we do accept directed donations. If you can obtain your own sponsor for the training, we will apply that funding as the sponsor requests. For example, if your company supports volunteer activities and will sponsor you to receive the specialized training, they just need to let us know it is earmarked for your development as a volunteer. Your company can see details about making this donation here: Corporate sponsorship.
Posted by Admin on May 7, 2018 at 5:54 PM under
Congrats to Mission United for celebrating their 5-Year mark! We appreciate your support for veterans in our community. Your mission is inspiring. Thank you for allowing us to be a part of it.
MISSION UNITED supports United States military veterans and their families as they re-acclimate to civilian life. MISSION UNITED focuses on employment services, legal assistance, education, financial services, health & housing support.
Find out how MISSION UNITED can support you and your family. Click here: http://ow.ly/xq9T50hfj02 or calling 954.4.UNITED or email MISSIONUNITED@UnitedWayBroward.org.
Posted by Admin on May 2, 2018 at 11:11 PM under
So, after many long days, we have submitted a grant application to the Veterans Administration. We will know by September if we are able to obtain funding. If so, it could mean a comprehensive SCUBA Recreational Therapy Program for veterans with disabilities. Since SCUBA is a great treatment for many impairments, like PTSD and Spinal Cord Injuries, etc. we are really looking forward to making these programs more available. Power of positive thinking! Help us make it happen.
In the meantime, we would love to hear your testimonials on SCUBA Diving as a therapeutic program. Share them on our facebook page ( www.Facebook.com/AdaptiveScubaPrograms) or any of our other Social Media pages. Also, check us out on Guidestar and share your stories there. These stories go a long way in securing funding to keep the program going.
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