Posted by Admin on November 5, 2021 at 9:20 AM under Adaptive Diving, Adaptive Sports, Aquanauts, Community, Dive Into Life, DivingIntoPossibilities, Donate, Fort Lauderdale, Service, South Florida, Sponsor, Veterans, Volunteer
Thank you to Scavenger Hunts by Let’s Roam for donating tickets for our silent auction coming up in Dive Into Life 2022 Family Day in the Park. Your support is much appreciated.
Sponsor spots still available and we are in need of more product/service donations to make the event a success. Can you commit to a donation? If you would like to donate a product or service, please email to serena@adaptivescubaprograms.org or regular mail Aquanauts Adaptive Aquatics, Inc. Attn: Serena Barghahn 801 NE 33 Street Oakland Park, FL 33334.
Posted by Admin on August 14, 2021 at 8:47 AM under Adaptive Sports, Aquanauts, Community, Dive Into Life, DivingInclusionProgram, Donate, Fort Lauderdale, Photography, SCUBA Diving, Service, South Florida, Sponsor, Sponsor A Veteran
Many thanks to a wonderful photographer and friend, James Koutoulas for supporting Adaptive SCUBA Programs with the sales of his amazing photographs. You can support by purchasing any of the wonderful photos at https://www.jameskoutoulas.com as an acrylic painting, photograph, greeting cards, and more. Check it out! This is just one of the amazing prints available for purchase...
Posted by Admin on June 27, 2021 at 11:06 AM under Adaptive Diving, Adaptive Sports, Aquanauts, Community, Dive Into Life, DivingInclusionProgram, DivingIntoPossibilities, Membership, SCUBA Diving, South Florida, Sponsor, Veterans, Volunteer
Ucoming Discover SCUBA Experience on 08/14/21. Register at www.adaptivescubaprograms.eventbrite.com. Follow our eventbrite page to be notified of all upcoming events.
We had a great response on the July 4th Boat Excursion. It is currently booked up, however, if you want to attend you can still join the waitlist in case a seat opens up.
These activities can only be offered due to public support. Please consider becoming a sustaining member of Adaptive SCUBA Programs by joining Aquanuats Society, and share our mission and programs with your family and friends. Your support is greatly appreciated.
Posted by Admin on June 8, 2021 at 11:10 AM under Adaptive Diving, Adaptive Sports, Aquanauts, Community, Dive Into Life, DivingInclusionProgram, DivingIntoPossibilities, KidsCamp, Membership, SCUBA Diving, Service, South Florida, Sponsor, Sponsor A Veteran, Veterans, Volunteer

Become an AQUANAUTS Society Member!!! Get exclusive Society Member Embroidered Patch with velcro backing at any level of membership. By becoming a member, you are committing to a recurring donation, monthly or annually, at the levels below. Join AQUANAUTS SOCIETY today.
Posted by Admin on May 8, 2021 at 3:43 PM under Adaptive Sports, Aquanauts, Community, Dive Into Life, DivingInclusionProgram, DivingIntoPossibilities, SCUBA Diving, Service, Sponsor, Sponsor A Veteran, Veterans, Volunteer
Join us to bring Family Day in the Park to South Florida! Food, music, and fun supporting Adaptive SCUBA Programs. Sponsorship Opportunities!

Posted by Admin on July 14, 2020 at 11:06 AM under
PRE ORDER AVAILABLE NOW!!! First time ever available, show your Aquanauts colors! You can pre-order now at discounted rates.
Prices go up on order date of August 30.
NECKLACE : $15.00
(Will have pickup dates available in the Fort Lauderdale area or you can add shipping for $5.)
Click here to preorder: http://www.adaptivescubaprograms.org/Jewelry
Posted by Admin on July 12, 2020 at 11:01 AM under

Shop at Altar'd State in the Galleria Mall any Monday between now and August 3rd, and 10% of their Monday sales goes to support Adaptive SCUBA Programs! Treat your best girl and support charity at the same time!!!
We will have a table set up there each Monday from 1:30 to 3:00pm on July 13, July 20, July 27, and August 3. Come say hello.
Posted by Admin on March 23, 2019 at 12:36 PM under
A ripple begins when something strikes the surface of the water. Your donation makes a ripple in the surface of someone's life. You may never know the depth of the difference you made, but you will know that you made a difference.
Please join us to show how that ripple can spread to positively affect the lives of veterans and individuals with disabilities.
1) Donate $5.00. (If you can do more, it is greatly appreciated.)
2) This is just as important. Tag or invite at least 5 of your social network (whether Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram, etc) to do the same. That will start a ripple and let's see how far it will go.
3)Comment. Your thoughts on this challenge/mission/anything with your city and state listed.
This challenge is raising money for Aquanauts Adaptive Aquatics and your contribution will make an impact, whether you donate $1 or $500. Every little bit helps. Thank you for your support. If you, like us, are inspired by the healing power of water, check out our website (www.AdaptiveScubaPrograms.org) to see the benefits of becoming a sustaining member of the Aquanauts Society.
Donate and share at this link! http://www.adaptivescubaprograms/donations OR https://www.facebook.com/donate/729579787443387/
Posted by Admin on March 2, 2019 at 11:49 AM under #fixourparks, Adaptive Diving, Adaptive Sports, Aquanauts, Community, Membership, Memorial Rehab Adaptive Sports, NPCA, RippleEffect, SCUBA Diving, Service, Sponsor, Veterans, Volunteer
Lots happening this month!!
March 09, 2019 8am: Free Discover SCUBA Experience for veterans and individuals with disabilities. (You can also bring your family and friends at a discounted activity rate.) Sponsored by Aquanauts SCUBA Academy. Participants register on Eventbrite (link below). Volunteers register on volunteer band app.
March 23, 2019 7am: Biscayne Maritime Heritage Trail Survey Dive. Sponsored by National Park Conservation Association (NPCA). Free for Veterans and Disabled. Participants MUST be SCUBA Certified. Register on eventbrite (link below). If you are already a registered volunteer, please rsvp on volunteer band app.
March 30, 2019 10am: Adaptive Sports Expo for individuals with disabilities at Markham Park. Come on out! We'll be at the pool. Volunteers, register on volunteer band app. Sponsored by Memorial Regional Hospital
And, don't forget our Ripple Effect Challenge. This is happening all month long! Please donate $1 and share with a minimum of 5 friends challenging them to do the same. See how far we can go in March! If you are not on Facebook, you can donate directly at http://www.adaptivescubaprograms.org/donations
Want to be more actively involved? Go one step further and make it a recurring donation of $15 or more to become an Aquauants Society Member. (Benefits are based on the donation level.)
Come join us this month!
Eventbrite Link : www.adaptivescubaprograms.eventbrite.com
Posted by Worth O'Brien on January 2, 2019 at 10:31 PM under

Thank you to those that came out to show their appreciation for iTiles and Nicola Borelli's support of Aquanauts Adaptive Aquatics. Nicola presented us with the funds raised to help support the upcoming Special Needs Kids SCUBA Camp happening in June 2019. Nicola put time, training, and effort into running a marathon and donations were collected via his PledgeIt page to support this event. Thank you Nicola for making it happen and iTiles for the matching donations. Check out this great company here: www.itilesllc.com
Sponsored by National Parks Conservation Association (NPCA), it will be our first Kids SCUBA Camp for Children with Special Needs. There are sponsored spaces still available, so if you know a child with special needs between the ages of 10 and 17 that would benefit from this camp, please apply here: Kids SCUBA Camp Scholarship. The children that participate will not only have a week long fun activity, they will leave with a lifetime Open Water SCUBA Diver Certification as well as an understanding of Marine Conservation.
Posted by Admin on November 13, 2018 at 12:24 PM under
Thanks to those of you who came out to support Adaptive SCUBA Programs at the Spotlight hockey game on November 11th! A great video was premiered, showing the benefits of our program for veterans. A great big thank you to Maggy Idrobo Lopez (facebook.com/maggyvisual and @maggychang_ph). Thank you to the Law Offices of Scott Sobel for sponsoring 'Kids of Love' to come enjoy the game and get some time on the ice!
Check it out here! https://youtu.be/7IL9F9Czvtg
Posted by Admin on October 1, 2018 at 11:30 AM under
Unfortunately, we did not receive the VA Grant for Adaptive Sports this year. That means we're in desperate need of sponsors for our veterans to make use of SCUBA Diving as a recreational therapy. We will try again next year, but our military veterans need you. This year-long program is only $3,000 per veteran. If you can, or you know of someone who can, sponsor a veteran; please help. Being disconnected from service is a mental hardship affecting many veterans. This helps reintegrate them into civilian society and removes many of the environmental pressures. The Discover SCUBA activities are great, but they are a one day activity. What the Sponsor-a-Veteran program does is get them involved all year with a therapeutic activity that does not involve hospitals are treatment centers. What is more is that it sets them up to continue the activity after their year program is done.
SCUBA Diving not only is great therapy for physical ailments and injuries, it is an ideal therapy for emotional and mental concerns like Depression and Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. Please help our veterans cope with the reintegration into civilian life with the help of healing ocean waters and nature. Please help by sponsoring, or sharing with your network of family and friends the need for this support. Do you know a veteran that you would like to sponsor specifically? We do allow directed donations, so you can earmark your donation to go to a specific veteran. The only limitation is that this program is conducted in the Fort Lauderdale, FL area. We will be expanding to other areas down the road, but right now, it is location specific.
Donate Here. OR Sponsor the Program Here.
Posted by Admin on September 22, 2018 at 9:38 AM under
Nicola Borelli and iTiles, LLC have partnered with Aquanauts Adaptive Aquatics to raise money for the Kids SCUBA Camp for special needs and underprivileged children. Nicola will be running a marathon to raise money and awareness and iTiles will be matching the funds he raises! If you would like to contribute and have your impact doubled, visit this link: https://pledgeit.org/inspired-running
This camp is going to happen June 17-21, 2019. National Parks Conservation Association (NPCA) has pledged partial funding for the camp. Thank you, Nicola and iTiles for helping to make this happen.
Posted by Admin on September 5, 2018 at 12:54 PM under

A shout out to Jordan Fund. Thank you so much for your support. Thanks to the Jordan Fund, Jesus R. (age 10) will achieve his SCUBA Diver Certification! That means that Jesus can use SCUBA Diving to help with his physical therapy program in coping with spina bifida and just generally enjoy the underwater world!
Volunteers: When Jesus is ready to move into the pool and then the ocean, we will put a call out for volunteers. Thank you for being there!
Posted by Admin on August 27, 2018 at 11:07 AM under
A big thank you to National Parks Conservation Association (NPCA)! They have committed to sponsor 5 kids for the first Kids SCUBA Camp for special needs and underprivileged children. We have room for more sponsors to make this camp happen. Please spread the word and help us make this a great program for the kids.
If you know of a child between the ages of 10 and 17 that could benefit from this camp, please have their parents complete a sponsorship application at this link: http://www.adaptivescubaprograms.org/ScholarshipApplication
Thank you NPCA, you rock!
Posted by Admin on July 7, 2018 at 1:46 PM under

AQUANAUTS ADAPTIVE AQUATICS was recently recognized for our transparency with a 2018 Gold Seal on our GuideStar Nonprofit Profile!
GuideStar is the world’s largest source of information on nonprofit organizations. More than 8 million visitors per year and a network of 200+ partners use GuideStar data to grow support for nonprofits. In order to get the 2018 Gold Seal, AQUANAUTS ADAPTIVE AQUATICS shared important information with the public using our profile on www.guidestar.org. Now our community members and potential donors can find in-depth information about our goals, strategies, capabilities, and progress. We’re shining a spotlight on the difference we help make in the world. Check out our GuideStar Nonprofit Profile and tell us what you think: AQUANAUTS ADAPTIVE AQUATICS PROFILE
Posted by Admin on May 8, 2018 at 4:54 PM under
If you are interested in becoming a fully qualified dive volunteer...
Next Buddy Disability Training is coming up on June 15-17, 2018.
There are limited scholarships for this activity. Please complete your scholarship application on our website if you are interested in a scholarship for this training. Event Page on Facebook.
If a scholarship is not immediately available, please keep in mind that we do accept directed donations. If you can obtain your own sponsor for the training, we will apply that funding as the sponsor requests. For example, if your company supports volunteer activities and will sponsor you to receive the specialized training, they just need to let us know it is earmarked for your development as a volunteer. Your company can see details about making this donation here: Corporate sponsorship.
Posted by Admin on April 28, 2018 at 9:21 AM under Adaptive Diving, Adaptive Sports, Aquanauts, Community, Membership, Memorial Rehab Adaptive Sports, Mission United, NPCA, SCUBA Diving, Service, Sponsor, Volunteer
You should have received your April newsletter with the recaps and some upcoming events. April was a full month! We got a number of individuals with disabilities utilizing SCUBA diving as a therapeutic program. It is a great therapy as the activity provides for the increase in the production of serotonin delivered to the spine. This results in increased mobility, a lessening in pain, and elevating mood. It is really an all-in-one therapy.
We got some great new volunteers trained and ready to go, and solidified partnerships. We got some great momentum going! Check it out.
If you have not subscribed to our email updates, you can see our latest newsletter here: https://conta.cc/2Fp5uwV.
Posted by Admin on April 22, 2018 at 9:20 PM under
Congratulations to our newest volunteers that have just completed the Buddy Disability Training Certification Course. Your humor and dedication is inspiring, and we look forward to seeing you at our upcoming events. A huge thank you to the scholarship sponsors from this session.
NATIONAL PARKS CONSERVATION ASSOCIATION (NPCA) sponsored two of our new volunteers.
AQUANAUTS SCUBA ACADEMY sponsored one of our new volunteers.
MISSION UNITED sponsored use of the meeting room.
The support of these organizations are invaluable. Thank you for being involved in your community.
One of our sponsors from this training, AQUANAUTS SCUBA ACADEMY, is holding a Rescue Diver Class next month. It is a coveted skill set for our primary volunteers. If you have not yet obtained that certification and would like to, check out their course. You can purchase the course here: http://www.aquanauts.biz/RescueDiverRegistration.
Posted by Admin on April 20, 2018 at 10:08 AM under
You can now become an AQUANAUTS Society Member! Join the ranks of the subscribed supporters of the Adaptive SCUBA Programs. Your monthly contributions will help integrate veterans and individuals with disabilities into the community. You can positively affect people in your community by supporting this program with a recurring monthly donation. With many different levels, the smallest starting at just 50 cents a day, you can make a change in someone's life! ( Not to mention the cool swag...)
Join the AQUANAUTS Society here: http://www.adaptivescubaprograms.org/AQUANAUTSSocietyMemberLevels
In this new age, don't forget, many employers have a matching program. Ask your employer about this and double your impact! With Social Responsibility becoming more and more crucial for businesses, it is more likely your employer may want to support what is important to their employees. Tell them about AQUANAUTS ADAPTIVE AQUATICS. We need involved citizens to help us spread the word.
Keep in mind, we are in need of volunteers to take a more active role in the non-diving activities. If you are willing to participate in a committee, please contact Serena at Serena@AdaptiveScubaPrograms.org. Volunteers are the life-blood of this organization.
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