Posted by Admin on September 24, 2019 at 12:39 PM under

Take an active role in helping to preserve the national park in our own backyard. Thanks to National Parks Conservation Association (NPCA), we have the opportunity to actively make a difference in preserving a rarely visited historic site. Come with us and help us clean up the site. Boat transportation from Biscayne National Park's Dante Fascell Visitor Center is provided to site as well as lunch for the volunteers. There is no dock on site, so volunteers will be wading to shore to begin cleanup.
There is limited space on the boat. We need a minimum of 8 volunteers, but can only take a maximum of 10. Please reserve your spot now ( https://www.eventbrite.com/e/lancelot-jones-project-tickets-66769181419) and help support the national park in our own backyard.
About Lancelot Jones:
Lancelot Jones was born and raised in what is now Biscayne National Park. His father, Israel Lafayette Jones, was one of the earliest settlers on Porgy Key. The Jones family grew pineapples in the early 1900’s on Porgy and Totten Keys. They became one of the country’s largest key lime producers. Rather than develop the land in 1970 it was sold to the federal government to become part of the park. Lancelot Jones continued to live on his family’s homestead until 1992 when Hurricane Andrew destroyed his residence. The Jones Family Historic District, including the remains of the former home and farm of Israel Lafayette Jones and his family, is now listed on the National Register of Historic Places.
Posted by Admin on June 14, 2019 at 1:38 PM under #fixourparks, Adaptive Diving, Adaptive Sports, Aquanauts, Dive Into Life, DivingInclusionProgram, DivingIntoPossibilities, KidsCamp, NPCA, SCUBA Diving, Volunteer, iTiles
Graduation Day!!
It's been a great with the kids in the SCUBA camp. Special thank you to sponsors National Parks Conservation Association, iTiles, and Aquanauts SCUBA Academy for making this happen. Diving into Possibilities is what we do! We thank you for making it a reality. Again, thank you to NPCA's Jackie Crucet for joining us to celebrate on graduation day. Some highlights below:
Posted by Admin on June 2, 2019 at 6:47 PM under
We are just a week away from our first Special Needs Kids SCUBA Camp. Sponsored by National Parks Conservation Association (NPCA), iTiles, and Aquanauts SCUBA Academy; this camp will provide Lifetime SCUBA Certifications for the children that participate. There is still a seat open, but you have to act fast. Deadline, whether seats are filled or not, is June 06, 2019 at 5:00pm. All doctors paperwork and other forms MUST be completed by the deadline.
For those that are already approved for a seat, you should have an email in your inbox via evite.com with details on the preliminary meet & greet Thursday (June 6, 2019) at 6:00pm. Please RSVP. We look forward to seeing you Thursday!
Posted by Worth O'Brien on May 12, 2019 at 3:15 PM under #fixourparks, Adaptive Diving, Adaptive Sports, Aquanauts, Community, Dive Into Life, DivingInclusionProgram, NPCA, SCUBA Diving, Service, Veterans, Volunteer

Sponsored by National Parks Conservation Association (NPCA) our volunteers and participants were able to participate in a survey dive on the Maritime Heritage Trail in Biscayne National Park. This not only gets our veterans and individuals with disabilities a chance to enjoy the therapeutic benefits of SCUBA Diving, but it helps out the Park Service to survey conditions on the submerged archaeological sites. It was a great day for diving!
Posted by Admin on April 17, 2019 at 2:39 PM under
Kids Camp is coming up. If you have a child (ages 10-17) with special needs, please submit your scholarship application soon. A seat cannot be awarded until all forms are completed and returned to us. Sponsored seats are limited.
Sponsored by National Parks Conservation Association (NPCA), iTiles, and Aquanauts SCUBA Academy, this camp is a great experience. Don't let your child miss out on this opportunity!
Posted by Admin on April 3, 2019 at 2:25 PM under
Service Project! April 28, 2019. Come help us clean up Boca Chita Key Lighthouse.
A great day of outdoor work. Could not find better surroundings! Get up close and personal with Boca Chita Key Lighthouse area and make a positive impact on Biscayne National Park. Let's do our part to help #fixourparks. (Carpool is available from Oakland Park, FL)
Still room for volunteers. Register soon! www.Adaptivescubaprograms.org/VolunteerRegistration.
If you are already a registered volunteer, RSVP on our band calendar 'AQUANAUTS AMBASSADORS'. (If you are a registered volunteer that is not yet in our band app, click this link to join.)
Posted by Admin on March 24, 2019 at 8:48 AM under
Thank you to our volunteers and participants that dove on the Maritime Heritage Trail on March 23rd. Was a great dive! Beautiful conditions and our volunteers were able to clean up an entanglement hazard from one of the dive sites. Some great pictures from the event. A few are here, but you can find more on our facebook page.
If you haven't come out to support our National Parks, watch for the next event! Upcoming events will be posted on www.AdaptiveScubaPrograms.eventbrite.com.
Registered Volunteers: You will RSVP on the Band App.
Posted by Admin on March 2, 2019 at 11:49 AM under #fixourparks, Adaptive Diving, Adaptive Sports, Aquanauts, Community, Membership, Memorial Rehab Adaptive Sports, NPCA, RippleEffect, SCUBA Diving, Service, Sponsor, Veterans, Volunteer
Lots happening this month!!
March 09, 2019 8am: Free Discover SCUBA Experience for veterans and individuals with disabilities. (You can also bring your family and friends at a discounted activity rate.) Sponsored by Aquanauts SCUBA Academy. Participants register on Eventbrite (link below). Volunteers register on volunteer band app.
March 23, 2019 7am: Biscayne Maritime Heritage Trail Survey Dive. Sponsored by National Park Conservation Association (NPCA). Free for Veterans and Disabled. Participants MUST be SCUBA Certified. Register on eventbrite (link below). If you are already a registered volunteer, please rsvp on volunteer band app.
March 30, 2019 10am: Adaptive Sports Expo for individuals with disabilities at Markham Park. Come on out! We'll be at the pool. Volunteers, register on volunteer band app. Sponsored by Memorial Regional Hospital
And, don't forget our Ripple Effect Challenge. This is happening all month long! Please donate $1 and share with a minimum of 5 friends challenging them to do the same. See how far we can go in March! If you are not on Facebook, you can donate directly at http://www.adaptivescubaprograms.org/donations
Want to be more actively involved? Go one step further and make it a recurring donation of $15 or more to become an Aquauants Society Member. (Benefits are based on the donation level.)
Come join us this month!
Eventbrite Link : www.adaptivescubaprograms.eventbrite.com
Posted by Admin on January 17, 2019 at 9:13 PM under
Come with us to get your hands dirty and help preserve a historical site in Biscayne National Park. For a change, we are going to be on land! We will be helping in the maintenance of the Lancelot Jones House, a rarely visited site in Biscayne National Park. Please RSVP and carpool details will be provided.
Posted by Worth O'Brien on January 2, 2019 at 10:31 PM under

Thank you to those that came out to show their appreciation for iTiles and Nicola Borelli's support of Aquanauts Adaptive Aquatics. Nicola presented us with the funds raised to help support the upcoming Special Needs Kids SCUBA Camp happening in June 2019. Nicola put time, training, and effort into running a marathon and donations were collected via his PledgeIt page to support this event. Thank you Nicola for making it happen and iTiles for the matching donations. Check out this great company here: www.itilesllc.com
Sponsored by National Parks Conservation Association (NPCA), it will be our first Kids SCUBA Camp for Children with Special Needs. There are sponsored spaces still available, so if you know a child with special needs between the ages of 10 and 17 that would benefit from this camp, please apply here: Kids SCUBA Camp Scholarship. The children that participate will not only have a week long fun activity, they will leave with a lifetime Open Water SCUBA Diver Certification as well as an understanding of Marine Conservation.
Posted by Admin on November 1, 2018 at 9:15 AM under
Posted by Admin on October 5, 2018 at 3:13 PM under
For those registered on the Maritime Heritage Trail Dive this Saturday (tomorrow), just a quick update.
The dive is still scheduled to happen, although the water will NOT be flat. Expecting 2 to 3 foot seas. If you are not comfortable diving in or riding on a boat in those conditions, that is your call. Just let us know if you will not be attending.
Red Algae Update: Again, the boat dive will happen. The last update (you can see this here: http://www.myfwc.com/research/redtide/statewide/) shows that the area we are diving is not yet affected by the Red Algae, picture here.
Posted by Admin on September 22, 2018 at 9:38 AM under
Nicola Borelli and iTiles, LLC have partnered with Aquanauts Adaptive Aquatics to raise money for the Kids SCUBA Camp for special needs and underprivileged children. Nicola will be running a marathon to raise money and awareness and iTiles will be matching the funds he raises! If you would like to contribute and have your impact doubled, visit this link: https://pledgeit.org/inspired-running
This camp is going to happen June 17-21, 2019. National Parks Conservation Association (NPCA) has pledged partial funding for the camp. Thank you, Nicola and iTiles for helping to make this happen.
Posted by Admin on September 14, 2018 at 9:49 AM under
Next survey dive for Biscayne National Park's Maritime Heritage Trail is scheduled for Saturday, October 06, 2018 (Labor Day). Don't miss it! Free for Veterans, Individuals with disabilities, and our Volunteers. Reserve your ticket here: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/maritime-heritage-trail-survey-dive-tickets-49920097355
This event is sponsored by National Parks Conservation Association (NPCA). Don't forget. If you have not already registered as a volunteer or participant with us, you will need to complete a registration form in addition to reserving the ticket for this particular event.
Participant (Veteran or Individual with disability) Registration
Volunteer Registration
Help us support our nations' parks!
Posted by Admin on August 27, 2018 at 11:07 AM under
A big thank you to National Parks Conservation Association (NPCA)! They have committed to sponsor 5 kids for the first Kids SCUBA Camp for special needs and underprivileged children. We have room for more sponsors to make this camp happen. Please spread the word and help us make this a great program for the kids.
If you know of a child between the ages of 10 and 17 that could benefit from this camp, please have their parents complete a sponsorship application at this link: http://www.adaptivescubaprograms.org/ScholarshipApplication
Thank you NPCA, you rock!
Posted by Admin on August 8, 2018 at 1:51 PM under
Next survey dive for Biscayne National Park's Maritime Heritage Trail is scheduled for Monday, September 03, 2018 (Labor Day). Don't miss it! Free for Veterans, Individuals with disabilities, and our Volunteers. Reserve your ticket here: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/maritime-heritage-trail-survey-dive-tickets-48887762614
This event is sponsored by National Parks Conservation Association (NPCA). Don't forget. If you have not already registered as a volunteer or participant with us, you will need to complete a registration form in addition to reserving the ticket for this particular event.
Participant (Veteran or Individual with disability) Registration
Volunteer Registration
Help us support our nations' parks!
Posted by Admin on July 1, 2018 at 10:04 AM under
Posted by Admin on June 2, 2018 at 12:38 PM under
Next dive for Maritime Heritage Trail is Scheduled!Sponsored by National Parks Conservation Association (NPCA). Don't miss out. Reserve your seat today on Eventbrite. https://www.eventbrite.com/e/maritime-heritage-trail-survey-dive-tickets-46657897026?aff=efbeventtix
Posted by Admin on May 14, 2018 at 10:52 AM under
The Maritime Heritage Trail Survey Dive (sponsored by National Parks Conservation Association-NPCA) is coming up on May 28, 2018. If you are on the roster, you have received a confirmation email with departure time, location, etc. If not, you have either not informed us that you are coming and/or you have not completed a volunteer registration.
Space on the boat is filling up fast. If you would like to participate, please make sure you complete the necessary steps.
1) Advise us of your intent to participate. (You can email info@adaptivescubaprograms.org)
2) Complete a volunteer registration. (Registration form is at this link: http://www.adaptivescubaprograms.org/VolunteerRegistration)
Don't get left behind!
Posted by Admin on April 28, 2018 at 9:21 AM under Adaptive Diving, Adaptive Sports, Aquanauts, Community, Membership, Memorial Rehab Adaptive Sports, Mission United, NPCA, SCUBA Diving, Service, Sponsor, Volunteer
You should have received your April newsletter with the recaps and some upcoming events. April was a full month! We got a number of individuals with disabilities utilizing SCUBA diving as a therapeutic program. It is a great therapy as the activity provides for the increase in the production of serotonin delivered to the spine. This results in increased mobility, a lessening in pain, and elevating mood. It is really an all-in-one therapy.
We got some great new volunteers trained and ready to go, and solidified partnerships. We got some great momentum going! Check it out.
If you have not subscribed to our email updates, you can see our latest newsletter here: https://conta.cc/2Fp5uwV.
Posted by Admin on April 22, 2018 at 9:20 PM under
Congratulations to our newest volunteers that have just completed the Buddy Disability Training Certification Course. Your humor and dedication is inspiring, and we look forward to seeing you at our upcoming events. A huge thank you to the scholarship sponsors from this session.
NATIONAL PARKS CONSERVATION ASSOCIATION (NPCA) sponsored two of our new volunteers.
AQUANAUTS SCUBA ACADEMY sponsored one of our new volunteers.
MISSION UNITED sponsored use of the meeting room.
The support of these organizations are invaluable. Thank you for being involved in your community.
One of our sponsors from this training, AQUANAUTS SCUBA ACADEMY, is holding a Rescue Diver Class next month. It is a coveted skill set for our primary volunteers. If you have not yet obtained that certification and would like to, check out their course. You can purchase the course here: http://www.aquanauts.biz/RescueDiverRegistration.
Posted by Admin on April 15, 2018 at 3:43 PM under
1 comment
It was a great meeting. Very informative. If you missed it, don't miss the next one! Our partner National Parks Conservation Association (NPCA) is doing great things toward preserving and maintaining our nations' parks. It is always good to make your voice heard. We have to make sure that the parks are there maintained and preserved for generations to come.
You can always check out their website at www.npca.org to see how you can help.
Thank you to NPCA, MISSION UNITED, and MISSION BBQ for making today happen.
For those of you that were on our dive when the PBS crew was shooting... the video is available here: www.vimeo.com/252354335/6b2735d2d1
Please share the video, and let people know what is happening.
Posted by Admin on April 14, 2018 at 11:00 AM under
Just a reminder. The Park Advocacy Workshop is happening tomorrow! It will be held at the Mission United Building and begins at 10:00am. We will have Krispy Kreme for breakfast and Mission BBQ is providing lunch!
We're going to have a great time and find out what threats are looming for our nations' parks. Come support our partnership with National Park Conservation Association (NPCA) and find out how you can help protect our parks for generations to come.
Those you who have already registered, thank you! We appreciate your support and look forward to seeing you tomorrow. If you have not yet registered, there is still space available. Just click the ticket link in our Facebook event page: https://www.facebook.com/events/162993831177538/ to reserve your seat.
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