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Challenged Athletes FoundationChallenged Athletes FoundationIt is the mission of the Challenged Athletes Foundation® (CAF) to provide opportunities and support to people with physical disabilities so they can pursue active lifestyles through physical fitness and competitive athletics. CAF believes that involvement in sports at any level increases self-esteem, encourages independence and enhances quality of life.
Children with Cerebral Palsy or Brain InjuriesChildren with Cerebral Palsy or Brain InjuriesDanielle’s Foundation was created to honor the memory of Danielle Vick, who sadly passed away in 2008 from complications of anoxic brain injury. This foundation is a great Non Profit Resource for Families of Children with Cerebral Palsy and Brain Injuries. Apply for a grant on their website.
Women Divers Hall of FameWomen Divers Hall of FameThe Women Divers Hall of Fame™ (WDHOF) is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization dedicated to honoring and raising awareness of the contributions of outstanding women divers. WDHOF provides educational, mentorship, financial, and career opportunities to the diving community throughout the world. Each year, WDHOF awards scholarships and training grants that provide financial and educational support to individuals of all ages, particularly those who are preparing for professional careers that involve diving.
Helping Challenged Children, Inc.Helping Challenged Children, Inc.Since being founded in 2002, HCCI volunteers and supporters have raised more than $130,000 to help children in need across Indiana purchase medical equipment. Some examples of grants include wheelchair lifts, ear molds, adaptive tricycles, Kiwi bath chairs, and financial assistance for leg braces, wheeled shower chairs, wheelchair tie-downs, and numerous hearing aid devices. HCCI’s grants are offered as a last resort for recipients who cannot get financial aid through insurance, state agencies or other funding.
Living with Any Disability:Living with Any Disability:Living with a disability is not easy. But through a variety of resources, Easter Seals helps people with all types of abilities get the care that is right for them. Our resources include everything from where to find in-home assistance and addressing aging challenges to build a relationship with your doctor. We know it’s important to know your options for Adult Day Care and have access to research about what it’s like to live with a disability.
High Fives FoundationHigh Fives FoundationHigh Fives focuses on preventing life-changing injuries and provides resources and hope if they happen. Grant process for which individuals are eligible to apply.
Living with Spinal Cord Injury (SCI):Living with Spinal Cord Injury (SCI):The Kelly Brush Foundation Individual Grant Program awards grants to individuals with paralysis due to a spinal cord injury (SCI). The purpose of the individual grant program is to increase participation in adaptive sports and recreation activities and improve the quality of life for individuals living with SCI. The individual grant program allows economically disadvantaged individuals with SCI to purchase adaptive sporting equipment.
Living with Spinal Cord Injury (SCI):Living with Spinal Cord Injury (SCI):The National Association of Spinal Cord Injury provides active-lifestyle information, peer support and advocacy that empower individuals to achieve their highest potential in all facets of life. Enroll in a free subscription to stay informed.
Woody FoundationWoody FoundationThe Woody Foundation, Inc. is a 501(c)(3) not for profit organization formed in 2011 to raise funds for the recovery of people with spinal cord injuries. They provide individual assistance for people with spinal cord injury. You can request a Woody Pack on their website that includes assistive devices to help regain independence.
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